Sunday, November 13, 2011

So one day last week, you were talking to your Aunt Effie. While engrossed in your conversation, you hear sizzling coming from the kitchen. The stew is boiling over, with its broth running across the stove top and down the front. Hurriedly, you shoo your Aunt Effie off the phone,in a middle of a thought,  then turn the burner down and begin to wipe up the mess as the stew continues to brew. Luckily, all's well, that ends well...and you go about your business.

But today, you smell something. You've taken the garbage to the curb...checked the garbage disposal and the liter box. Nope, none of those things are the culprit. Then you decide to check the drip pan where last week's spill occurred and boom...there is the origin of the smell. Yuck!

I make sure that when I clean my customer's stoves and mine, I check the drip pans. Because it is enclosed, sort of, air does not circulate there. Its like food...has been sitting there for a week and has spoiled.

It is a good thing to check the drip pans after each use of the stove. Not only do I empty the pans, I wash them in hot, soapy water. You would be surprised how much collects under the burners.  Don't let bad odor direct you to the stove. I like to save that for the aroma of stew!

Happy Cleaning!